1. What is an ATM?
ATM is an acronym for Automated Teller Machine. It allows customers to perform banking transactions anywhere and at anytime. By using a debit or credit card at an ATM, customers can withdraw cash from their checking, savings or credit card accounts. Some ATMs also allow customers to make a deposit or transfer money from one account to another.
2. How much does an ATM cost?
The prices of an ATM vary. Give us a call and we will discuss the cost and various purchasing options.
3. Are there any hidden fees or charges?
Fees related to the ATM are minimal and related to the process of dialing out to the processor to complete the transaction. We would be happy to discuss the fees further once you give us a call.
4. How much revenue can I expect to generate from an ATM?
The revenue generated would depend on the amount of foot traffic your location has on a daily basis. Generally, the rule of thumb is 3% - 5% of the foot traffic that actually sees the ATM machine will use the ATM. So let's figure that you have an average of 300 people coming through your doors daily, and you are charging a $2.25 surcharge per valid withdrawal; if you take the middle road that 4% of the people that see the ATM machine will use it, then you can count on your new automated teller machine to generate you a minimum of 360 transactions per month. Based on this assumption, that comes out to $810 per month or a total of $9,720 per year. All that from one ATM at one location.
5. Do you offer reporting tools?
We offer real-time online transaction statistics. You will be able to view over a dozen different reports such as detailed transaction history, low cash alerts, monthly transaction totals, chargeback, etc. If you have any questions about our online reporting tools, please contact us.
6. What is the difference between MasterCard, Maestro, and Cirrus? Can I use any of these at all ATMs?
MasterCard, Maestro, and Cirrus are different brands, or products, of MasterCard Worldwide. You can use your MasterCard, Maestro, or Cirrus card to withdraw cash from any ATM that displays the MasterCard, Maestro, or Cirrus brand marks.
7. Who is responsible for machine repairs and regular maintenance?
If you own the ATM, then you are fully responsible for all repairs and maintenance. Please remember, new ATM comes with a full parts and service warranty. For all other types of ownership, please contact us directly.
8. Do you offer free ATM machine placement?
Please contact us directly to further discuss eligibility for free placement.