Gift & Loyalty Cards
Gift & Loyalty cards serve to enhance brand awareness for your product or service, encourage repeat business while also being an excellent source of extra revenue. Moreover, savvy consumers are always looking to be rewarded for their purchases, similar to what a rewards credit card has to offer, which can be achieved through special discount, membership and VIP cards.
Consequently, here at Eposnet Inc. we decided that to further complement our merchant processing services we would make all these card types available to you. Now you too can benefit and what’s great is the pricing! We are not a reseller, so no Third Party Company to deal with. This is why you will find our rates to be very competitive! And unlike our competitors we give you and your customer your very own portal where you can track, manage and check card balances.
We make it easy for you to sign up, check it out today:
Step 01
Review the available Gift Card Options
Card Options
Step 02
Contact your Sales Rep or Customer Service to provide you with an order form
Step 03
Send the form filled out with your order details to